Friday 29 January 2010

Still waiting

Man at work smiled at me today. I didn't see him yesterday so today was our first encounter since we both told the go-between (matchmaker?) that we liked each other. We smiled a brief secret sort of smile at each other across the crowded office.

Man at work is shy. I'm shy too although I have learnt to disguise it. It was only a fleeting visit to my workplace so I walked up to him as he was leaving, gave him my mobile number and asked him to text me. That was nearly six hours ago. Am I impatient? Yes!!!


  1. How pro-active of you. You probably scared the poor s*d silly, they do like to think they've taken the initiative, bless them. He had better text cos now I'm waiting too.
    WEM x

  2. Bar steward. Why hasn't he texted yet?
    WEM x
